
Hi, I'm Maryann, creator of More Beautiful

A veteran journalist, I wanted to create a space where women over 40 can get valuable information, support and inspiration as they navigate midlife. Sign up for my newsletter for thoughtful content delivered to your inbox twice a month. Together, let's change the conversation around aging and dive into our second act with courage and curiosity! Because this ain't our mama's midlife!

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Menopause Is Not a Dirty Word; Chip Conley Wants to School Us

My Menopause Moment If you had told me a year ago that I would someday publicly discuss my menopause experience, I would’ve laughed. So, last month, when Gabriella Espinosa asked me to write about that very topic for her online platform, My Menopause Story, my first impulse was to say no. A month earlier, at age 54, I had officially hit the big milestone—that is, I went one full year without a period. And truthfully, I was relieved. After several years of annoying, unpredictable symptoms such...

See Jane Run With It When a friend asked if I’d like to come with her to see Jane Fonda at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco, I jumped. After all, how could I pass up an opportunity to hear the 85-year-old screen legend dish on Ted Turner, address sex after 50, and discuss her current work—educating people on the climate crisis? After literally dancing onto the landmark stage, Fonda settled into her chair for a glorious chat that touched on her screen work, relationships, philosophy on...

I’m Not Entirely Thrilled About Martha’s Moment. Here’s Why. By now, I’m sure you’ve seen Martha Stewart on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s annual swimsuit issue. The sultry photos of the 81-year-old lifestyle mogul broke the internet earlier this week, with women everywhere rejoicing the fact that ageist barriers had lifted and mature women were finally being seen as desirable and relevant. “I am so thrilled,” said Stewart, who is now the magazine’s oldest cover model. “I hope...

maryann celebrating an abundance vs. scarcity mindset

Flowers, flowers everywhere. Since taking up ikebana, my house has been overflowing with flowers, reminding me of nature's abundant gifts. Good and Plenty Recently, a friend of mine was complaining that a colleague just got a book published on the very topic my pal has been writing about. "That's it," she said. "My book is dead in the water. Someone already took the idea and ran with it. Now I'll never get my story published—I mean, who wants to read two books about this?" Nuh-uh, I told her....

Hangin' with Grandma Betty, aka Nanny, circa 2001 Things I Learned From Nanny Those of you who’ve been following me for a while know that I have a fondness for older people. I’ve already given thought to who my Golden Girls would be, if I ever find myself in need of BFF roomies. And growing up, I had a slew of incredible female relatives who taught me so much about life and love. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about one of those women: my maternal grandmother, Bettina, whom we affectionately...

Midlife Got Me Lookin' So Crazy Right Now So here’s the thing. Nothing is ever as perfect as it seems. Someone recently said to me, “You’ve been traveling so much, and you went to the Grammy Awards? You have such a glamorous life!” Yes, I’m beyond grateful that I got to visit some new places last year, and that I got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend a star-studded awards show. But the Maryann you see on social media is very different from the real-life Maryann. I spend most days...

Once upon a time, everyone watched the same shows, at the same time. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Each generation thinks it’s the best. But I would argue that those of us who came of age prior to the smart-phone era are unequivocally special. Not just because we know what life felt like before we became so reliant on technology. Not just because we understand what is lost when the sound of a person’s voice is replaced with a few words punched into a cell phone. We are truly unique...

The Space Between Years ago, when I was a magazine editor in New York, I learned that “white space” was integral to good design. The graphic artists I worked with always opted for maximum “white,” or blank space around images and text for a clean, visually appealing layout. In order to give the content room to breathe, the writers were often asked to trim some of their beloved copy, which they weren’t always happy about. One of my jobs was to strike a compromise between story and design: to...

That Thing, That Thing Happy New Year! Once again, after the last holiday cookies have been devoured and the confetti swept from the dance floor, we’re handed an opportunity to start anew. To make resolutions and changes and fresh starts with everything from our health to our careers. Blah, blah, blah. For some of us in midlife, the transition into a new year merely stokes a small but steady fire that’s burning in our belly year-round. It’s the time of life when we’re faced with the fact...

Thrill ’Em With Kindness It seems like every midlife woman I know is running anxious these days. Recently, two good friends revealed they were feeling particularly edgy, for no good reason. Sure, the holiday madness wasn't helping. But they couldn't quite explain why they were waking up in the middle of the night, hearts beating fast, worried about this or that. Or experiencing an unfamiliar sense of dread during the day. According to a 2014 study cited by the Center for Treatment of Anxiety...